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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

From copper to PCB [Last Part] – Photos I have used and Free softwares you can try !

I have used photos from my mobile and some old junk hard disk controller PCBs and other junk PCBs, anyways I have designed one but have not got it manufactured, and for softwares I have used KiCAD – it is free software and you can get it and run it easily and also I have used images from Altium designer software( it is not free ) & Autodesk EAGLE. There is this prominent software which is completely online and is linked with an assembler called the EasyEDA and you can try it too ! Also for KiCAD example and many demo files we have many repositories on internet from OSH-park and other open source hardware companies which give out free complex PCB design files.

In future posts I will try to make a comparison between this PCB manufacturing and IC fabrication !


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