Now that we have designed our PCB we just now have to get the design files exported and get a almost standard output file that a manufacturer will understand and will translate them into good looking PCB. So well there are export options in design softwares which can export the PCB design file in a format called GERBER format and NCDRILL files which then can be submitted online and an order can be placed at PCB manufacturing web sites.
Now during placing orders also we have a lot of options to choose and one of them is solder mask colour and silk screen colour, now what these two are they are just as we see them, the solder mask colour is the colour of the PCB that is we see green coloured PCB, blue coloured PCB and the markings on them or writings on them are mostly done using white and they are called silk screen colour, the most prominent and most widely seen PCB are green coloured PCB with white text written on them and manufacturing them also cost less.
Later after the PCB gets manufactured and you get in your home then the placing of components will come and the use of solder mask will be prominent as it helps you exposing the contact pads and helps you solder properly without sorting the existing copper contacts and tracks.
The silk screen tells us where to place the components.
Also there is auto assembly offered by many PCB manufacturers and we can pay them so that they buy our components and assemble them using pick and place machines, more about them later !
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