A live indication of both the connectivity and the design rule status of the board is provided on the status bar at the bottom of Proteus. Clicking on either produces a report listing any missing or extra connections - double click on any entry in the list, and the software will zoom in to show you exactly where the error is located on the PCB.
Finally, the Pre-production check runs prior to manufacturing output and is designed to be an automated quality assurance check. In addition to testing connectivity and design rules it tests power plane geometry and integrity through a completely separate code path and runs separate tests for common design mistakes.

VSM: Proteus Virtual System Modelling (VSM) blends mixed-mode SPICE simulation with world leading fast microcontroller simulation. It enables rapid prototyping of both hardware and firmware designs, in software!
Design, Test and Debug your embedded projects in the Proteus electronic circuit simulator before a physical prototype is ordered. Agile development for the embedded systems workflow.

Whilst Proteus VSM is already unique in its capability to run near real time simulations of complete micro-controller systems, its real power comes from its ability to perform these simulations in single step mode. This works just like your favourite software debugger, except that as you single step the code, you can observe the effect on the entire design - including all the electronics external to the microcontroller.
In addition to traditional debugging where you set one or breakpoints in your source and then step the code when they are triggered, Proteus allows you to set breakpoints on the schematic so that a hardware condition can trigger a breakpoint. If a problem is identifiable as a hardware fault, then using hardware breakpoints will pause the simulation whenever the fault condition occurs. For example, if malformed characters were appearing on the LCD display setting a hardware breakpoint on the busy line would be a good place to start investigating.
The other major tool at your disposal for single step debugging is the watch window. This allows register and/or address monitoring and also allows you to add variables from the variables window for inspection. You can set breakpoints on a logical condition of any item added to the watch window making it easy for example to trap a timer overflow.
Design, Test and Debug your embedded projects in the Proteus electronic circuit simulator before a physical prototype is ordered. Agile development for the embedded systems workflow.

Whilst Proteus VSM is already unique in its capability to run near real time simulations of complete micro-controller systems, its real power comes from its ability to perform these simulations in single step mode. This works just like your favourite software debugger, except that as you single step the code, you can observe the effect on the entire design - including all the electronics external to the microcontroller.
In addition to traditional debugging where you set one or breakpoints in your source and then step the code when they are triggered, Proteus allows you to set breakpoints on the schematic so that a hardware condition can trigger a breakpoint. If a problem is identifiable as a hardware fault, then using hardware breakpoints will pause the simulation whenever the fault condition occurs. For example, if malformed characters were appearing on the LCD display setting a hardware breakpoint on the busy line would be a good place to start investigating.
The other major tool at your disposal for single step debugging is the watch window. This allows register and/or address monitoring and also allows you to add variables from the variables window for inspection. You can set breakpoints on a logical condition of any item added to the watch window making it easy for example to trap a timer overflow.
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