I will not give technical and historical details about wolfram mathematica or wolfram in any sense, you all can search and have wikipedia give you all necessary history.
So, first of all lets see what we get when we have wolfram mathematica installed, we will get

The main software and the Kernel, now the kernel is the command line version of mathematica and we cannot really input much there, also we need to know most commands as there is no auto-complete.
Here all sorts of maths can be done and they are give pretty efficient results.
What is to be noted here that the GUI version of the software.

we get pretty standard features of workbook but they are pretty powerful, once we select on new workbook :
we get a good workbook and a lot of helpful features which are input assistant panels, they really help in writing maths equations,

The real advantage here over MATLAB is, in MATLAB we have to use MUPAD to write natural expressions and where as we can write natural expressions pretty easily here and in fact every equation or expression we will write here will be in natural form as we write in copy.
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