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Friday, April 10, 2020

Discs and Cylinders

Commercially produced discs and cylinders were molded from Master recordings and wouldn't wear down like the original wax cylinders. They were played back using devices like The Phonograph. This device is called a reproducer and for decades all phonographs were based on simple acoustic devices like this for nearly a century. This is how artificial sound worked back then.
                            Cylinder Recordings
The technology worked something like this horn would collect sound waves and recreate them onto a physical analogue then that physical analogue could recreate the original sound waves when played back. 
                                                        Columbia Disc Graphophone | | Vintage record player, Phonograph,  Water for elephants
Well, it all started with simple acoustic devices like this phonograph eventually improvements were made the development of the electronic microphone was perhaps the most important now sound waves cause a receiving diaphragm to move a coil of wire around a magnet and a voltage is produced in the wire as the diaphragm moves, this time sound waves are recreated as a voltage coming from the microphone and by amplifying this voltage and sending it into a new record cutting device which moves its cutting stylus as a function of the voltage it receives.
                                               Analog Recording


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