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Saturday, April 18, 2020

From copper to PCB [Part 2] - Logical View

So first see the design process,

First step we have to make a logical diagram of the circuit we want to turn into a PCB. This logical diagram is like the circuit diagrams we draw using the symbols in our copy. This diagram is called schematic and is done by the help of Schematic capture softwares present inside a PCB design software package or a EDA CAD package. EDA stands for Electronic Design Automation and CAD stands for Computer Aided Drawing.

Next if this diagram is simple enough to contain only passive circuit elements we can fully test the output of the circuit using a software inbuilt there called SPICE or we can manually check in SPICE by making a circuit and in other softwares. And if our circuit has a lot of transistors and different functioning ICs then we can only check the voltage and ground and other short circuits or in between them or voltages across passive elements. SPICE stands for Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis.


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