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Sunday, April 12, 2020


The loudspeaker became a big deal next. 
Loudspeakers are the opposite of microphones, instead of producing a voltage as a reaction to a sound pressure wave moving its diaphragm, a loudspeaker will move its diaphragm and create a pressure wave as a reaction to incoming voltage with loudspeakers.

All the record players can now use a phonograph cartridge which acts like a microphone for records, the movement of the stylus as the groove vibrates. It generates a voltage which can be Amplified. To drive a loudspeaker. 
which causes pressure changes in the air around the loudspeaker which your ears concentrate down to your eardrums, and now your real eardrums are vibrating in roughly the same way that the original artificial Eardrum moved in the microphone in the first place

Yeah, in essence the record becomes a way to recreate the original pattern of voltage created by the microphone so that the sound can be heard again in a different place at a different time.


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